As I'm sitting here beside my husband, the both of us enjoying a lazy, snowy day we are also working up the mental and physical fortitude to clean up our home. It amazes me just how quickly a house can go from clean and organized to disaster, and we don't even have a toddler yet! The thing is, we both were struck with a nasty flu this week. At the same time. So things are just a tad out of sorts at our place. But thankfully, things are slowly coming to some sense of normalcy! Though I'm so overwhelmed with about a million things to do to prepare for the birth, get our house ready for our baby, and hey, catch up on Thank-You notes from our wedding (Did I mention life has been crazy?), there are also several things Joel and I are thankful for and excited about! First of all, because Joel and I are aiming for a natural birth, there are so many things to do to in preparation; books to read, classes to attend, exercis...