"A merry heart does good like a medicine..." ~Proverbs 17:22~ For those of you who do not want to catch my cold, I recommend you wash your hands and consume plenty of Vitamin C after reading this post. Colds are so contagious! Yup, we here at the Joel Cropsey Household have been pretty ill as of late. The good news is that for us, it is also short-lived. I haven't really had a whole lot motivating me to write lately, but then I thought why not share a whole bunch of advice (that lots of people have probably heard) on getting through a cold? I'll try and sniffle my way through an entire post. Our buddy is getting big! When you're pregnant and therefore cannot do much over-the-counter medicine for that nasty cold or flu, you quickly learn other ways of coping. Or, as in my case, you are taught by your awesome midwife what to get and do. Joel and I have since been maintaining (and even growing!) our own remedy cu...