Playing ring-around-the-phone-queue has never made my top-10 list of favorite activities. Recently however, it proved somewhat humorous. Which is good, because playing secretary for upwards of an hour makes me pretty cranky. It takes a lot of grit to run a household some times, you know? Taking little thought as to the security of our bikes, stashed haphazardly in the basement storage area, we supposed they were fine; and if they weren't, well, we live an apartment life and have little space in which to finagle our belongings. We were well aware that there have been a string of thefts in this complex, but didn't pay much mind since we both have minimalist tendencies and I needed a new bike anyway. Sure enough, they disappeared from the basement. "Lucky us" , we figured. "Free disposal service!" And I just have to say, the mental image that emerged of some stealthy burgler riding away on a weather-beaten mountain bik...