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Encouragement: Strength from Above

   This pregnancy has been rough, not gonna lie.  Although puking daily is a thing of the past (Hallelujah!), other discomforts have reared their ugly heads; the sleep deprivation is one of the biggest issues, due to the heartburn, insomnia, trips to the fridge, trips to the bathroom, can't get comfortable, etc., etc, and of course my blood volume has increased drastically, which in itself leaves my feet dragging.  There are a million and one things I'm "supposed" to be doing, but can't find the mental, emotional, or physical strength to accomplish it all, or honestly even half.  Sometimes I catch myself wondering, "What does it feel like to NOT be pregnant?"      
      Perhaps the most frustrating part of it all is my desire to reach out and be a blessing to others, but not being able to have enough presence of body or mind to do so.  The baby-brain fog runs thick, and thanks to raging hormones, I often find myself angry or anxious, stressing over anything and everything.      
    My devotions this morning contained an enlightening quote by Charles Spurgeon.  He says, "You have no reserve of strength. Every day you must seek help from above. It is a blessed assurance to know that your daily ration of renewed strength is provided through ongoing meditation, prayer, and waiting on God."  Feeling so emotionally taxed, this truth was like a splash of cold water to my weary soul.  The strength that I lack on a daily basis cannot be made up for by trying to feel better, or pretending that everything is okay.  It is God alone Who strengthens and provides exactly what we need for today.  I needed that reminder so desperately!
    Negativity is everywhere.  Sometimes, it seems as though encouragement is the needle in the haystack, and to be honest, I have been holding dearly to anything people say to cheer me on; especially concerning the upcoming birth, parenting, and pregnancy.    
    This morning I realized something, and this is probably a blatantly obvious point that has gone over my head, but especially so in the past seven months:  I do not have to succumb to the negativity all around me in order to be happy and encourage others.  Really!  It's so freeing!  God can use me in my lonely, pregnant state to hearten others and cheer them on in their journey.  
    That said, how I wish that we -specifically brothers and sisters in Christ- could seek to build each other up instead of tear down.  Especially as new parents, my Hubby and I are desperately seeking to hear from other parents about the blessings that children are; or how we will face rough seasons, but they will pass.  To be completely honest, well-meaning comments about "never sleeping again" or "never having a life outside of kids again", and the like, are disheartening.  We know life will be different, but we would really like to hear the joys that accompany this new normal, and what blessings YOU have experienced with your kiddos!
    But with all the misery that tends to accompany pregnancy, Joel and I couldn't be more excited about our baby.  We are honored that God has seen fit to give us a child, and can't wait for him to get here so we can meet him!  

"For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; 'In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.'"  ~Isaiah 30:15a  
    How have YOU been blessed by your kids?  Or maybe you work with kids, or have young siblings; how have they made your day?


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