Now that Ransom is snoozing, though there are about a million other things that need to be done, I have declared it "Mommy Time". Because sometimes no "Mommy Time" is a serious risk to our sanity (Can I get an "Amen"?). Something that has seriously been on my mind recently is how difficult it is to get anything done. I don't know about all you other moms out there, but I have been finding moments alone to be few, and when I DO have them, there are twenty-billion other things that need my attention. I know the mentality of "It's a Mom's life, nothing will ever get done again" is huge, but for a neat-freak such as myself, that just doesn't fly. Some of us cannot think straight if our house is out of control, and finding time to take care of every thing and every one is time consuming and emotionally draining. Today I was reminded of something. Pollyanna -the fictional, blonde, happy little girl who played "...