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Pollyanna Had it Right

    Now that Ransom is snoozing, though there are about a million other things that need to be done, I have declared it "Mommy Time".  Because sometimes no "Mommy Time" is a serious risk to our sanity (Can I get an "Amen"?).
    Something that has seriously been on my mind recently is how difficult it is to get anything done. I don't know about all you other moms out there, but I have been finding moments alone to be few, and when I DO have them, there are twenty-billion other things that need my attention.  I know the mentality of "It's a Mom's life, nothing will ever get done again" is huge, but for a neat-freak such as myself, that just doesn't fly.  Some of us cannot think straight if our house is out of control, and finding time to take care of every thing and every one is time consuming and emotionally draining.
     Today I was reminded of something.  Pollyanna -the fictional, blonde, happy little girl who played "The Glad Game" and drove the town nuts with her constant, giddy search for things to be happy about- really had something right.  Sometimes, it is making an effort to look into, not away from our daily messes and finding even the smallest of things to choose to thank God for that makes all the difference.  Thant's how we learn and grow.  
     I have found that looking for one little, ordinary, messy, every-day thing and finding a reason to be thankful for it can drastically change my outlook on life.  Maybe my baby refusing to nap today is rough, but the opportunity to spend just a few more waking moments looking into his sweet, blue eyes is worth all the hassle.  Perhaps my kitchen being a mess isn't so bad, because it means my amazing husband and I just had a pizza day and enjoyed some time together.  Waking up in the middle of the night to care for our amazing baby boy isn't always so bad, because all is quiet in our apartment complex for a change.  And maybe, just maybe, having food sensitivities is a blessing, because it forces us to make (overall) healthier choices than what we would have.
     Life is messy, mommy-hood is an adjustment, and there are many things to be thankful for.  I don't know about you, but I would much rather be remembered for having driven a town crazy with gratefulness than grumpiness.  Because at the end of the day, we all leave a legacy.  What is yours?  And with that, I must ask you to excuse me, as I have a date with my Bible, my man, and some other room to clean.  In that order.  ;)

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


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