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Family Goals, Christmas, Etcetera...

   My inner voice says,"Hey Girl??? You better do a blog update, it's way past due!". My body says, "Hey Girl???  You too tired to write. Too many cookies, ice-creams and fudges last week"  Yup, I cheated big.  Sorry I am not.  But I digress.  This Christmas season was so much fun!
  We celebrated Christmas as a family on Friday, then went up after church on Sunday to spend time with my family on the 25th.  I think Ransom got a wee-bit spoiled by his Papa, Grammie, and Auntie!  For him, tearing and eating the wrapping paper is more fun than whatever the actual gift is!  Joel had work for a couple days in the middle of the week, so we came home for two days and left again to have Christmas with Joel's side of the family.  It was wonderful to have everyone together!  Even Joel's brother and sister-in-love made it up from Virginia to visit.
    As the new year dawns, Joel and I have been able to have some discussion about our family goals for 2017.  We are so thrilled to have a baby to plan goals with, too!  Some of our goals include saving for and going on a family vacation, taking time to read together at least once a week, filtering our input and filling our minds intentionally with at least one source of good "mental nutrition" every day, and intentionally working on projects together as a couple (of course, Ransom is always welcome to help with projects as he gets bigger!).
    One thing I cannot wait to see is how we will grow in different areas as individuals, as a couple, and as a family.  I have been so encouraged to joyfully accept every hurdle as a new adventure and as an opportunity to learn and grow.  I hope and pray that the light of Christ would be evident in my life and that of my family, that we would make the most of every opportunity, and that we would continue to make God the cornerstone of our home.  I pray that we would change the things we need to change, let go of the things we cannot, and that we would have the wisdom to know the difference.  That we would not waste our thoughts, but that we would dwell on what is pure, noble, excellent, and praiseworthy.
    In reflection, 2016 was both a wonderful and difficult year.  Some of the things I am particularly grateful for include the birth of our son, new and deepening friendships, hardships that have caused us to grow, and God's gracious provision.  I am thankful for all the people who have pointed us back to God and spoken into our lives.  Life has been messy, but in God's grace it has never been unbearable.
    So to you who need a dose of encouragement as we start 365 days anew:  "God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind."  ~2 Timothy 1:7.

Ready to Embrace a New Year,
Joel, Heather, & Ransom


My Big Man...
...My Little Man!
Our precious gift! 


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